Multicolor Nickname Generator

Select Color
0    #000000
1    #ff0000
2    #00ff00
3    #ffff00
4    #0000ff
5    #00ffff
6    #ff00ff
7    #ffffff
8    #ff7f00
9    #7f7f7f
:    #bfbfbf
;    #bfbfbf
<    #007f00
=    #7f7f00
>    #00007f
?    #7f0000
@    #7f3f00
A    #ff9919
B    #007f7f
C    #7f007f
D    #007fff
E    #7f00ff
F    #3399cc
G    #ccffcc
H    #006633
I    #ff0033
J    #b21919
K    #993300
L    #cc9933
M    #999933
N    #ffffbf
O    #ffff7f

Generated Nickname:

Will appear here

Visual Preview:

Will appear here


Once you’ve created your name, copy it and open your console with ~ and type/paste e.g /name ^4House^7Of^1ROX

If console not open with § -mark, you can press sift + esc. Then write /bind § “toggleconsole” 
and then type/paste e.g /name ^4House^7Of^1ROX