We’ve discovered a fake server

We’ve discovered a fake server called “HOUSE OF:R*X: VERBOTEN”.
This server has bots using fake names of our clan members.

Do not connect to this server!

EDIT: While we previously mentioned that there’s a risk it could steal your ET key, we want to clarify that simply connecting to this fake server does not directly compromise your ET key.
However, it is possible that your GUID could be captured, which could lead to attempts at misuse.

Please note: the only legitimate R*X server is the one listed in ⁠server-status and on our website (https://clanrox.com/) —currently, we operate only one official server, HOUSE OF ROX :EURO LEGACY.

Link to ROX server:
:garrow: /connect euro.house-of-rox.com
:garrow: /connect etl.house-of-rox.com
:garrow: /connect

If you accidentally connect to the fake server, please report it immediately to @Scott, @lezk, or @TheReal on discord.

Thank you